loom$45408$ - traducción al griego
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loom$45408$ - traducción al griego

Chaos (Loom); Bobbin Threadbare; Chaos (Loom Character); Chaos (LOOM character); LOOM; Chaos (LOOM); Loom (computer game); Loom (game)

n. αργαλειός


·noun ·see Loon, the bird.
II. Loom ·vi To rise and to be eminent; to be elevated or ennobled, in a moral sense.
III. Loom ·noun That part of an oar which is near the grip or handle and inboard from the rowlock.
IV. Loom ·noun The state of looming; ·esp., an unnatural and indistinct appearance of elevation or enlargement of anything, as of land or of a ship, seen by one at sea.
V. Loom ·noun A frame or machine of wood or other material, in which a weaver forms cloth out of thread; a machine for interweaving yarn or threads into a fabric, as in knitting or lace making.
VI. Loom ·vi To appear above the surface either of sea or land, or to appear enlarged, or distorted and indistinct, as a distant object, a ship at sea, or a mountain, ·esp. from atmospheric influences; as, the ship looms large; the land looms high.


Loom (video game)

Loom is a 1990 fantasy-themed graphic adventure game by Lucasfilm Games. The project was led by Brian Moriarty, a former Infocom employee and author of classic text adventures Wishbringer (1985), Trinity (1986), and Beyond Zork (1987). It was the fourth game to use the SCUMM adventure game engine, and the first of those to avoid the verb–object interface introduced in Maniac Mansion.